User Types
The ATLAS application has 3 hierarchal types of users: super-user, advanced-user, and end-user. This means that all write- and access-rights are inherited by the superseding type.
The end-user role is the role with the least rights and its main function is to generate the output report. The end-user is only able to change the basic (GUI) settings (i.e. active date, report level) and can therefore only influence its own reporting. The ATLAS GUI is designed to optimise the productivity of the end-user and has included “single-click” reporting and “on-timer” reporting. “Single-click” reporting means that the end-user can generate several independent output reports (batch) automatically based on predefined (batch reporting) settings. The “on-timer” reporting means that the end-user can set the specific time for which the (single or batch) reporting process will initialise.
Additional to the end-user rights, the advanced-user has the ability to use the advanced (GUI) settings and change the reporting resources files. The reporting resources files are files which determine the properties, dimensions and formatting of the reporting outputs.
The system resource files determine the generic scope and demarcation of the ATLAS application (i.e. available reporting levels, database connections) and can only be changed by a super-user.