8 "C" reporting paradigm
The reporting process is constructed according to the 8 “C” reporting paradigm to ensure efficient, regulatory compliant, and integral reporting.
The reporting output can be displayed and formatted according to any requirement of the users. This entails formulas, formula arrays, individual cell range formatting (including conditional formatting), the location and size of the data blocks (i.e. tables), charts (any type available within Excel®), grouping, page setup properties, worksheet names, workbook names, output file locations, etc…
Once the configuration and layout of the output report have been defined and set, the report will always be generated correctly and contain all information independent of the size and composition of the underlying source data.
The underlying source data can be retrieved from several data sources simultaneously and combined into single and/or multiple output reports, including adding information which is not (or not yet) available in the individual data sources.
The reporting process has a full automatic date management functionality which ensures that date depending source data (i.e. daily pnl figures) will be correctly included in the output report without user interaction. This means that by generating the report, the reporting application will by default retrieve the data relating to the actual (current) date (or i.e. t(-1)), but the user can still simply change the active date if required.
All reporting operations (user tasks) and reporting output will be similar for all users, independent of physical location and/or reporting requirements (i.e. report level).
The reporting application is operational on all Windows® platform, all Excel® versions and compatible with all major source data environments (i.e. Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services®, Microsoft SQL Server®, ODBC DSN, OLE DB Provider for Oracle®, etc…)
The tasks and functionalities are immediately clear for the user and reporting requires a minimum amount of operations. All default sequential operations are triggered by pressing the {enter} key.
Cost effectiveness
The configuration and layout of the output reports can be set by a single individual (super- and advanced-) user or a group of designated users. These settings can then be used by all users without any amendments.