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When a centralised data storage environment is not available, HERA enables the user to consolidate the scattered input-data and combine all data in a single data source container (Access® Database). The combined data can then be manipulated via simple and complex structured query language (sql) statements in combination with mapping files if necessary, and subsequently queried by output sql queries. The output sql queries (or tables) can remain in the single data source container or be exported into sequential files (read: text files).


There is no limit to the number of input files (including static files) and the number of output sql queries.





Reporting environment

The source data of the reporting environment can consist of any type of decentralised data stored in any type of container (i.e. ZIP files, text files, Excel® files, etc…). The single data source container is an “on the fly” created Access® database and contains therefore no legacy input-data and no legacy queries.


To import input- and static-data, schema files can be used which enable the end-user to import files up to a maximum of 2 Gigabyte. These schema files contain the layout information of the input and static files and ensure fast and efficient data importation into the single data source container.

Process Overview



The advanced- and super-user have the ability to determine which file system objects (i.e. files, folders) will need to be imported and can be defined in the ATLAS GUI as individual files or as folders. In case of individual files, the filename (and in case of Excel® files also the worksheet name) is defined and the file is imported on an individual basis into an Access® database table. In case of folders, all files within the specific folder will be imported into separate Access® database tables. The advanced- and super-user can define as many file system objects as required without any limitations.


After all input-data (manipulate via sql statements if necessary) has been imported, all data will be combined into a single Access® database table (t-reporting table) named “T-REPORTING”. The t-reporting table can now be used to retrieve any data via the output sql queries and the data stored into sequential files (read: text files).

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